Monday, August 2, 2010

August 2 2010

Today Wesley has really started to creep like crazy.. he is scooting on his belly to get to toys and stuff now. I didn't think I would have to baby-proof this early but it looks like I may have to keep a close eye on him. Austin has some toys that have little pieces so I'm worried about Wesley getting ahold of some of them. Austin doesn't quite understand that Wesley can't have little toys or things. Here's a video of his creeping...

I pretty much spent today playing outside since Austin really wanted to play with his new "fire truck" so badly. lol He did NOT want to nap today, he was having way too much fun with all his new toys. Other than that, I cleaned up from yesterday and read some of my book while the boys napped. It's so nice when they both nap at the same time and today their naps overlapped for about an hour which was awesome.

Austin was playing on our bed this evening, he would grab all the pillows and pile them up as high as he could and then fall into/over them and just laugh like crazy. Wesley was on the bed too just watching and giggling as well. It was really cute, I love seeing the two of them interact, it's so neat how early they develop a bond already.