Monday, August 9, 2010

August 10 2010

This past weekend Nate and I had a pretty relaxed couple of days.. went for walks, took Austin to the park, had a barbecue and fire in the back with a few couples from our small group, and just hung out. It was really nice. Austin didn't want to leave the park so we just started walking away saying bye, thinking that he would quickly run to catch up. Nope.. he just stood there waving bye to us. lol, too smart for us already...

Austin has been watching Nate kill flies with the fly swatter and so yesterday he ran to our cutlery drawer, grabbed a spatula, and started saying "bees" (which is his way of saying flies) and swatting at the coffee table. It was really funny.

I was on the phone earlier and apparently wasn't paying attention to Austin because I came into his room and found him with a mountain of wipes on the floor, attempting to wipe his blue bear's bum. I think he emptied out 2 full things of wipes onto the floor... lol

My sister Maria came over yesterday with her kids and they all played outside together. They are way too cute together and sat outside at the little kids table for lunch eating their pizza. It looked quite comical.

Olivia and Wesley hanging out while the kids ate lunch

Wesley is officially "scooting" all over the place. He's 5 months old today! It's crazy but SO cool to see.. he just scoots on over to whatever toys are lying around only to have Austin snatch them and run away saying "No, Autis" hahaha, poor Wesley, no wonder why us "middle" children are the way we are, lol!!

Today when I was changing Austin's diaper on the floor, Wesley scooted over and started grabbing at him... so Austin tries to swirm away, laughing and saying "no baby". They were both giggling at each other and then Austin would run away and come back, lie on the floor, and they would both do it all over again. It's so cool to see them playing together and giggling at each other.

Here's a picture of Wesley
scooting... he started off on the mats and
then wanted to get to the garden hose, lol
My parents are back from their business trip/vacation so they came over to visit tonight.. Austin loved to see them again and of course, has to drag them around to play with him and look at books with him.

1 comment:

  1. heeh soo cute ,love the pics ruth!
    tiago tries to kill flies too which he also calls Bees ahahha :)

    ps-please follow my blog if your not already
