Saturday, July 31, 2010

July 31 2010

So today I attempted to make a cake for Austin's birthday celebration tomorrow... it's a firetruck in case you can't tell, lol. I still have to make the ladder for it but that'll be a task for tomorrow since I don't really know how I'm going to do it yet..

We have about 25 people coming tomorrow for Austin's "party" and it'll be a lot of fun I'm sure. I spent most of today making homemade cheese bread, nasi goering, and a bunch of other yummy things for tomorrow. I hope it is nice weather so we can all just sit outside.

Nate went to my parents today to help my brother finish their fence gate.. so now their yard is completely fenced in finally... which is going to be super nice for the grandkids to be able to run around out there and we won't have to worry about them getting out of the yard.
I'm also attempting a zucchini dessert, it's like an apple crisp except with zucchini and I've heard it's really good... I got a huge zucchini from my sister-in-law's garden so I figured I'd attempt something new.

We got a new washing machine today finally! Thank goodness because the laundry is starting to pile up. Nate couldn't figure out how to fix the other one so we found one on kiji for $100 which wasn't bad we thought.
Wesley was super fussy today so it was hard to get so much done because he constantly wanted to be held.. he is starting to roll around like crazy and starting to scoot a lot too... he can get to toys that he wants already and he is hard to change now because as soon as you lay him on his back, he rolls over right away onto his belly. It's cute but can get annoying when it takes 10 minutes just to get him dressed, lol. He is always smiling and start to laugh out loud at Austin when he plays around him. It's really cute and I love how much a smile changes his little face... especially his cute little brown eyes.

Friday, July 30, 2010

July 30 2010

Last night I went to a union meeting in regards to the hospital closing beds and pretty much found out nothing that I didn't already know... it's frusterating because Nate and I don't really know what to do but I really do need to go back to work come January seeing as how Nate is only working 3 days a week. If I get laid off, I can't collect EI because I've been on maternity leave for the last year. So I couldn't sleep last night because I just kept thinking about what we're going to do come Jan. I know that I just need to leave it in God's hands.. he's never let us down before and I know he will continue to bless us. I read Psalm 91 last night and it really helped me to stop worrying and just leave it up to God.

We went yesterday to pick up Opa's chickens and I had a good laugh watching Nate try to catch them.. it was quite funny. Then one got loose and he had to chase it to catch it, I was just watching howling.. lol Then Austin went with him to drop them off and he enjoyed that.

This morning Dad Veldhuizen came over to cut Nate and Austin's hair.. Austin looks like such a big boy now, it's crazy how much difference a haircut can make!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Here are a few pictures from Austin's birthday...

On Sunday we're having a birthday celebration for Austin but we figured we should do something on his actual birthday so we gave him a piece of speculaas, which he loved... and put some candles in it. He needed help to blow out the candles and then wanted us to put them back in after we took them out... lol
We also gave him his soccer ball, which he decided immediately needed work and went to work at it with his tools... oh and his hard hat of course! He had a lot of fun and ran around singing "Happy Day" all evening after we had sung happy birthday to him.

Last night I went to my sister Maria's place and we just hung out and worked on our recipe books, it was a lot of fun.. I took Wesley with me and he was great, went to sleep just fine and so I was able to stay for a while.
Today we are going to the hospital to visit Nate's Opa who just had his foot amputated as a result of an accident... I'm looking forward to going and it's great because my sister is going to watch the kids so we can go this afternoon. We also have to go pick up his chickens because he's getting rid of them. So that'll be interesting. I told Nate that I'm NOT going to help him catch them.. yuck.. I'm sure Austin will get a kick out of them though, lol

Nate is home today but he's busy attemping to fix our washing machine which crapped out on us the other day.. so far no luck, I've been telling him to just get a repairman in but of course, he's a man and can fix it himself!! lol But I shouldn't be too hard on him because usually he CAN fix it himself but he just can't stand it when he can't.
Anyways, I better go pay some attention to Austin, he's getting kinda antsy without anyone to play with since Wesley is still sleeping.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 28 2010

SO this morning at 2:54 am, my baby turned 2... sniff sniff... can't believe he's 2 already!

He woke up this morning around 6:45 because he hears Nate getting ready for work. Every morning, he stays in his bed and calls out for Daddy and if that doesn't work, then he calls out for Mommy. So this morning Nate and I both went in there to sing Happy Birthday to him and he started crying. Every night before bed, Nate and I sing a prayer to him and so I'm pretty sure this morning that he thought we wanted him to go back to sleep when we started singing Happy Birthday to him, lol... what a kid. Once we took him out of his room and sang to him, he was much happier. We didn't give him any presents yet because Nate had to get going to work and quite frankly, I don't think he really could care less anyways. We got him a soccer ball and we already gave him his other present a while ago because it was an outdoor water/sand table and we wanted him to be able to enjoy it all summer long.

This Sunday after church we're having a birthday party for him and I'm sure he will be very excited about that.. especially because he'll get to see all of his cousins who he absolutely LOVES. I'm going to attempt to make him a cake, I'll have to see how it works out, it's a fire truck cake. I got some different candies and stuff to put on it to make it look more like a fire truck and we'll have to see... I'll post pictures of it.

Wesley is still sleeping which is VERY nice... he was up twice last night so that wasn't too bad.

I better go pay some attention to Austin, I'm pretty sure he has pooped since I tried to put him on the potty 10 minutes ago.. unfortuntely he seems to enjoy wearing diapers rather than going on the potty...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 27 2010

So my sister gave me the idea to start a blog and I thought it sounded kinda fun... so here goes...

I am a registered practical nurse who is currently on maternity leave until the end of January... I have two boys, the oldest, Austin, turns 2 tomorrow and the youngest, Wesley is 4 1/2 months. I am enjoying my time with them but beginning to get a little stir-crazy. It's hard getting out in between meals, nap times, and without too much hassle so these days I've been staying at home quite a bit, which is why I'm getting a little stir-crazy. It's too hot out right now to go for too long of walks with the boys and so it leaves me wondering what to do some days.

Right now, there are a lot of uncertainties in our lives with my husband, Nathan's job and now with my job as well. Nate is a mechanical engineering technologist and is on a work share program right now, so he's working only 3 days a week. I am lucky to have him at home with me but financially, it would be nice for him to get some more hours. The hospital that I work at is going through some changes right now and so we're not really sure yet where that leaves me in January when I'm supposed to go back. I really do want to work part-time while raising the kids because it gets them out a bit more and it helps me keep my sanity as well.

So tomorrow my oldest baby turns 2... where does the time go? It feels like just yesterday I was pregnant with him and now he's already going to be 2, such a big boy. He is such a pleasure (most days anyways :) ) and he wants to be so independent these days. He wags his little finger at me and says "No mommy, Austin do". He can't pronounce his name yet so it comes out "Autis", which sounds hilarious. He drags his little "blue bear" blanket around everywhere, trying to "breastfeed" him (lol), put him down for naps, and read him stories. He has had that bear blanket since he was a baby and has always LOVED him.

We have been taking Austin to swimming lessons the last week and he hasn't really been a huge fan of the water this year. I thought he would really like it but he's pretty hesitant and doesn't really want to let go of me. He does love going down the slide and jumping off the side of the pool into my arms though.

Wesley loves his older brother so much these days. You can lay him down on the floor and he is quite content to just watch Austin playing. He's rolling around everywhere now and I have to really watch him because he ends up all the way on the other side of the room sometimes. Austin is quite content to let Wesley watch him but always has to decide what toys and stuffed animals are okay for him to play with and touch. "Blue bear" is out of the question and if Wesley even touches him, he gets a finger wagging at him saying "No baby, blue mine... Autis" It's hilarious and thankfully, Wesley couldn't care less right now.

Anyways, I'm ready to hit the sack... I never know how much I'll be up at night with Wesley these days, he will sometimes give me a good 6-7 hours but other nights, he's up a lot.. I just don't have the heart to let him cry and so sometimes I end up getting up quite a big. Goodnight!