Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 27 2010

So my sister gave me the idea to start a blog and I thought it sounded kinda fun... so here goes...

I am a registered practical nurse who is currently on maternity leave until the end of January... I have two boys, the oldest, Austin, turns 2 tomorrow and the youngest, Wesley is 4 1/2 months. I am enjoying my time with them but beginning to get a little stir-crazy. It's hard getting out in between meals, nap times, and without too much hassle so these days I've been staying at home quite a bit, which is why I'm getting a little stir-crazy. It's too hot out right now to go for too long of walks with the boys and so it leaves me wondering what to do some days.

Right now, there are a lot of uncertainties in our lives with my husband, Nathan's job and now with my job as well. Nate is a mechanical engineering technologist and is on a work share program right now, so he's working only 3 days a week. I am lucky to have him at home with me but financially, it would be nice for him to get some more hours. The hospital that I work at is going through some changes right now and so we're not really sure yet where that leaves me in January when I'm supposed to go back. I really do want to work part-time while raising the kids because it gets them out a bit more and it helps me keep my sanity as well.

So tomorrow my oldest baby turns 2... where does the time go? It feels like just yesterday I was pregnant with him and now he's already going to be 2, such a big boy. He is such a pleasure (most days anyways :) ) and he wants to be so independent these days. He wags his little finger at me and says "No mommy, Austin do". He can't pronounce his name yet so it comes out "Autis", which sounds hilarious. He drags his little "blue bear" blanket around everywhere, trying to "breastfeed" him (lol), put him down for naps, and read him stories. He has had that bear blanket since he was a baby and has always LOVED him.

We have been taking Austin to swimming lessons the last week and he hasn't really been a huge fan of the water this year. I thought he would really like it but he's pretty hesitant and doesn't really want to let go of me. He does love going down the slide and jumping off the side of the pool into my arms though.

Wesley loves his older brother so much these days. You can lay him down on the floor and he is quite content to just watch Austin playing. He's rolling around everywhere now and I have to really watch him because he ends up all the way on the other side of the room sometimes. Austin is quite content to let Wesley watch him but always has to decide what toys and stuffed animals are okay for him to play with and touch. "Blue bear" is out of the question and if Wesley even touches him, he gets a finger wagging at him saying "No baby, blue mine... Autis" It's hilarious and thankfully, Wesley couldn't care less right now.

Anyways, I'm ready to hit the sack... I never know how much I'll be up at night with Wesley these days, he will sometimes give me a good 6-7 hours but other nights, he's up a lot.. I just don't have the heart to let him cry and so sometimes I end up getting up quite a big. Goodnight!

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